Thanks, 5280 Magazine, for this thorough profile.

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I am proud to stand with Prosecutors Against Gun Violence to support the continued ban on silencers.

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I was honored to join a panel discussion at Harvard Law School’s

“A New Vision for the 21st Century Prosecutor”




I started my legal career here in the Denver D.A.’s office and I remember my years as a deputy and chief deputy DA as some of the most challenging, interesting and fulfilling years in my legal career. It was in the DA’s office where I learned to be a lawyer and where I learned what justice is or should be. This is where I learned everything from how to make an objection in court to how to speak with victims of crime, including children. This is where I learned how to evaluate the strength of a witness and the appropriateness of a plea offer. This is where I learned the joy of victory and the soulsearching agony of defeat and how to get back up and go on after losing a trial. Most of the folks I practiced with and against have remained good, and in some cases, very close friends.

To be a prosecutor is to represent the people of this state in some of the most serious and sometimes horrific situations people encounter in their lives. No one chooses to be a victim of a crime and many do not choose to be defendants. Public safety is one of the most important functions of government, if not the most important. People cannot live and work successfully if they are afraid for their safety. They look to us to help provide that safety, and I know that the prosecutors and staff of the DA’s office work every day to fulfill that promise to faithfully execute their responsibilities to the people.

I ran for this office because I believe in the work that we do to keep the city safe and to represent the people of the state to the best of our abilities.

I also believe that the DA’s office can be more than just an office that prosecutes criminals.

We can be leaders in prevention of crime and in providing alternatives to incarceration in appropriate circumstances. We have the power to influence how justice is administered and how it is perceived by the public. We must be in the community and working hand in hand with the community to build trust and understanding so that we work together to keep our city safe and to keep our young people from gangs, drugs and violence.

During the campaign, I spoke to many neighborhood groups and individuals about criminal justice. There are many in our communities who don’t believe they get justice in our system. I ran for office because I want to work to change that perception, and I want to look at criminal justice through a wider lens than just how many convictions we win. I want to provide equal justice for all in our city.

One of my main priorities is to improve the juvenile justice system. As DA, I will promote the use of restorative justice and alternatives to jail for young people so one mistake doesn’t ruin a kid’s life.

I am committed to rebuilding trust between our communities and law enforcement and I will work with DPD to continue the great work they are doing in training on how to de-escalate situations and in revising the use of force policy. I will hold officers accountable who break the law.

As District Attorney, I will be in the community, as will my deputy district attorneys. We will listen and talk with you about improving the district attorney’s office. I will have community members serve as advisors to my staff and me to make sure we are transparent and in touch with those we serve.

Mass incarceration, particularly of people of color, is a major concern in our system. I have supported reducing mandatory minimum sentences, and I will conduct a review of the office to rid it of any implicit bias. My office will also support better alternatives for those suffering mental illness and substance abuse. They should not be warehoused in our jails.

During my time in the DA’s office some of the most difficult cases I handled were those involving sexual assault, child abuse, domestic violence and human trafficking. The DA’s office has an excellent Family Violence Unit and I will prioritize the prosecution of those who engage in these types of behavior. In the legislature, I passed legislation that strengthened our human trafficking laws and made them among the toughest in the country and I successfully increased funding for domestic violence survivors.

As many of you know, I was a prime sponsor along with Rep. Fields of some of the gun safety laws passed in Colorado. Prosecution of illegal gun possession will be a priority for my administration.

The Denver D.A.’s office is the premier office in the state filled with passionate and dedicated lawyers and staff who work every day to keep us safe. I have heard from many sources about the great work of the DA’s office.

I am very excited about working with all of you in the coming months. Many of you know that this is a job that I have wanted for a very long time, and I am looking forward to the opportunities ahead of us..



Beth is a leader

The DA’s office is about more than prosecution; it’s about justice, Beth is more than a prosecutor; she is a leader.

Denver overwhelmingly chose a new direction for the DA’s office

Beth ran for Denver DA because we have the opportunity to break the cycle of violence and make our system work for everyone. Beth has the experience, commitment, and broad vision to do it. She has taken a stand on tough issues, and she will continue to stand up for Denver families and will provide a fair and just criminal justice system for all.

Beth Brings Practical Experience and Community Perspective

Beth brings the most experience to this office. In the DA’s office, she prosecuted hundreds of cases. As Manager of Safety, she increased community engagement and fought for equality for women firefighters. As director of the Safe City Program, she worked to keep young people away from gangs, drugs, and violence. As State Representative, Beth was a leader to reform healthcare and improve our criminal justice system. As Denver’s District Attorney, Beth will ensure that all Denver residents are safe and are treated fairly in our system.

Beth Knows How to Keep Denver Safe

As former chief deputy DA, Beth prosecuted and sent to jail many violent criminals, including the Babysitter Rapist. As Manager of Safety, Beth worked with the communities to reduce gang violence. As a legislator, Beth sponsored laws to toughen the prosecution of human traffickers. Beth passed juvenile justice reform laws so that one mistake won’t ruin a kid’s life. She made our roads safer by toughening the DUI laws to make the fourth DUI a felony.


Please share your thoughts about the District Attorney’s office with Beth. [email protected]